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Allen George: Educational Progress in Calhoun County

Show your support for Allen George's candidacy for the Calhoun County School Board with this campaign sign, symbolizing a commitment to educational excellence and community advancement.

Photograph of Allen George, candidate for the Calhoun County School Board of Education.

"Exploring Allen George: 10 Questions Answered"

1.What inspired you to run for the school board of education, and what unique perspective or experience do you bring to the table?

I was inspired over the years to run due to what I perceived as the loss of our stakeholder’s voices being heard. My experience in Law Enforcement and public service will give me the needed insight into safety for our students, faculties, and campuses. My public service also gives me the experience needed to actually hear people’s complaints and attempt to reach a resolution beneficial to all parties.

2. How do you plan to prioritize the needs of diverse students, including those from marginalized backgrounds, within our school district?

By being the voice of all students and all parents. All students, regardless of what community they are ineconomic background, etc deserve the right to excel and have the same opportunities as others

3. What strategies do you propose for enhancing parental and community involvement in decisionmaking processes within the school district?

I will make myself available. I will return calls and emails as rapidly as possible. This is a common complaint now that many feel they are simply ignored.

4. How do you plan to address the challenges of funding and resource allocation to ensure all schools within the district receive equitable support?

By making sound financial decisions based first on needs and then on wants

5. What measures do you intend to implement to support the mental health and wellbeing of both students and educators within our schools?

After the pandemic, our young people’s mental health suffered greatly. I would love to see peer support groups and licensed mental health counselors available to each school

6. How do you plan to ensure that curriculum and teaching methods are inclusive, culturally relevant, and responsive to the diverse needs of our student population?

While diversity is important in our communities, the basic needs of solid education cannot be overshadowed. Our place in the world in education is being outpaced by other countries that focus more on education and less on social experiments. Our school’s role is to educate. The students will form their own opinions as they mature

7. What initiatives do you have in mind to promote technology integration and digital literacy across all grade levels in our schools?

The youth of today are incredibly tech-savvy. The more we can incorporate emerging technology into their learning I feel they will better be able to compete in the world.

8. How will you address issues of bullying, harassment, and discrimination within the school environment, and what steps will you take to foster a culture of inclusivity and respect?

Respect for others has been lacking for years in our youthUnfortunately, this is often a home. and heart issues. Many lash out due to issues at home. Having good, loving, and qualified personnel goes a long way, but if it isn’t t being addressed at home, there is very little our school staff can do other than hold them to a standard. Another point on bullying is that every behavior isn’t bullying. We have to teach our kids to be kind, but we also need to teach them to simply ignore those who seek to create issues. If kids continue to create issues then those kids need to be addressed.

9. How do you envision collaborating with teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders to continuously improve educational outcomes and overall school performance?

 I truly wish to be the voice of all interested parties. I want educators, administrators, and staff to see me as someone who will do everything in my power to address issues facing them and who will work beside them until they are resolved.

10. In your opinion, what are the most pressing educational challenges facing our district, and what specific actions do you propose to address them if elected?

 Listening to the stakeholders, respect within our schools and feeling safe to foster a good learning environment. 







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