Browsing: Community Events and Activities

Covering local festivals, parades, fundraisers, and other community gatherings.

Amidst the charged atmosphere of the Calhoun County School Board of Education Forum, voices echoed with fervor as attendees articulated their visions for the county’s educational landscape. From impassioned pleas for increased funding to heated debates on standardized testing, the forum encapsulated the complexities and passions surrounding education policy.

“Join us as we rally around the Sims family in their time of need. Stephen Sims, a dedicated law enforcement officer, husband, and father, left us unexpectedly, leaving his loved ones grappling with grief and financial uncertainty. Let’s come together to offer our support and ensure that his family feels the warmth of our community during this difficult time. Your contribution to the Stephen Sims Family Support Fund will provide essential assistance to his grieving family as they navigate the challenges ahead.”

The battle against human trafficking cannot be fought by the city alone. Mayor CRA urges all citizens of Oxford to join hands in fostering a culture of intolerance towards this abhorrent practice. It is a collective responsibility to safeguard the most vulnerable members of society and ensure their safety and well-being.